Monthly STEM Ideas for the Classroom

As educators, it’s essential to keep our classroom activities fresh, engaging, and educational. Not only to keep our kids engaged, but as their teachers and leaders, we want to be excited about our lessons too. Here at STEAM Powered Family we are all about STEM and STEAM and the power it has to shape not only our lessons, but also to change our world. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is more than just a buzzword, it’s a way to frame the complex world around us in ways that make sense, while fostering the curiosity of our future change makers. With this in mind, I’m excited to share a fantastic resource to help you with your lesson planning for the next year! The Monthly STEM Ideas for the Classroom printable.

STEM Activity Ideas for the Year

Monthly STEM Ideas

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Why Monthly STEM Ideas?

It can be hard for teachers, educators and homeschoolers to constantly come up with new and innovative ideas for students. We’ve been there, and we know the struggle is real!

We all could use a little inspiration every once and a while.

Throughout the year there are many special days that are assigned either nationally or internationally to mark important topics, take Earth Day for example in April or Pi Day in March. Knowing when these days are can help you plan out your year more effectively, but who has time to research all of that?

Well, we have done the work for you!

This printable is packed with inspiration and STEM ideas that align with special dates, seasons, and educational themes, ensuring that your teaching remains relevant and timely. From coding and chemistry, to environmental science and robotics, each month offers a fresh new STEM topic to explore that will ignite the curiosity and inventiveness of your students.

With these ideas you can customize your classroom lessons or homeschool plans, curate special library materials and school displays, or plan epic after school programs that kids will never forget! Best of all, you can adapt these ideas with activities for all ages, from preschool to high school.

Unlock the Printable

To access this printable, simply enter your email address in the form, then check your email to unlock the printable. As a member of the STEAM Powered Family mailing list you will get access to this, plus many more educational resources.

Highlights from the Printable

Here is a taste of what we cover in the printable.

September: National Coding Week

Kick off the school year by diving into the world of coding. Whether it’s creating a game on Scratch or building a simple robot, students will gain hands-on experience that teaches problem-solving and computational thinking.

October: National Chemistry Week

October brings the magic of chemistry to life. Chemistry doesn’t need to be scary. Try simple baking soda and vinegar reactions, grow crystals, make rubber bouncy eggs, or elephant toothpaste. There are so many different ways you can bring chemistry to your lessons for all ages.

November: National STEM/STEAM Day

Celebrate all facets of STEM and integrate arts to turn it into STEAM. A school-wide STEM fair or a STEAM art project can showcase creative educational approaches to interdisciplinary subjects.

December: Hour of Code

Explore the potential of computer science. From an Hour of Code to designing websites, students learn skills that are crucial in today’s digital world.

And Beyond

The learning continues, with ideas for the rest of the year. Spring into April with Earth Day, where students can engage in activities from tree planting to learning about sustainability. As the year progresses, each month unveils new themes and activities like National Space Day in May and National Moon Day in July, ensuring that the learning never stops.


This printable is more than just activities, it’s a planning tool that will help you integrate STEM into daily classroom life. Students will see how their lessons have real-world applications, and when that happens, you will see magic!

We also want to ensure we are helping our teachers and educators. Using this printable will help you reach curriculum goals, enhance students’ understanding of complex concepts, and builds a foundation for future scientific inquiry and exploration.

How to Get the Most Out of It

Some tips for making the most of your planning for the school year.

Plan Ahead

Use the printable as a resource to plan your school year. Align it with your curriculum goals and learning outcomes. Ensure you have all necessary materials ready to go for each month. You may want to stock up your No Prep Teacher Toolkit to ensure you are covered for the whole year. Especially when you want some quick STEM wins.


Once you have identified the themes you want to explore. Spend some time searching through our massive archives here at STEAM Powered Family. We have hundreds of STEM project ideas to help you make the most of your lessons with hands on discovery and learning. Use the categories in the menu at the top to explore or use the search bar for quick wins.

To supplement this printable, you can also grab our Weekly Educational Ideas for the Classroom printable. This is packed with even more ideas for your lesson plans.

Connect with Events

Tie the activities to corresponding seasons, events, or days that are important to your students. Nothing makes learning more impactful, than shaping lessons around what is important to the students.

Planning lessons can be overwhelming but it can also be really exciting. Hopefully this resource can help take away some of the overwhelm and make your year one your kids will never forget!

Happy planning and teaching, from the whole team here at STEAM Powered Family.