Famous Scientists Workbook and Unit Studies

Have you checked out our Famous STEAMists Workbook? This article provides even more resources to help build on your experiences learning about these incredible scientists who have helped shape our knowledge of the world. Continue your studies on Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Stephen Hawking, Ada Byron Lovelace, Vincent van Gogh, Isaac Newton and Marie Curie, and inspire your future world changer.

Study Like Famous Scientists

Cartoon images of famous scientists Einstein, da Vinci, Curie, Byron, Hawking, Newton. Vincent van Gogh. Overlay text says Famous STEAMists Unit Study

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One of the greatest ways to inspire kids and fuel their dreams and passions is for them to learn about the stories of people who have achieved amazing things. In this book we explore the works of some of the most inspiring Scientists and STEAMists in history. Some of them are more creative artist types, while others focused more on math and sciences, but all of them contributed profoundly to the advancement of the knowledge and understanding of our world.

In this workbook we decided to focus on 7 STEAMists from history:
Albert Einstein
Leonardo da Vinci
Marie Curie
Isaac Newton
Stephen Hawking
Vincent van Gogh
Ada Byron Lovelace

For each STEAMist there is a biography and quotes so you can learn more about them, their lives and their work. Plus we have included are some worksheets such as word search, word scramble and a fill in the blanks. Don’t worry, answer keys are provided for all of these.

In addition, activities inspired by the works of that STEAMist have been hand picked for you to do with your kids. You will need supplies for these activities, but supply lists are provided along with links to get more information, plus access to videos and photos of the projects.

This Famous STEAMist workbook is best suited for grades 3 to 6 or anyone interested in learning more about these famous minds from history.


A book cover titled Famous STEAMists Workbook and Activities


This is far from an exhaustive list but I know some of you have kids that are passionate about these STEAMists and want to learn more. I know what it is like trying to keep up with their insatiable need for information. So I’ve gathered up some more resources for you to keep the learning going!

Stephen Hawking

In our workbook we did a fun Black Hole Bath Bomb activity. Here are a few other ideas to explore Space and Hawking.

Build a model of the Solar System using a technique called Quilling.

Your young astrophysicist will love this Fizzy Black Hole experiment.

Why not make a batch of Galaxy Moon Dough for some fun sensory play? Make sure to include lots of glittery stars!

We have even more fun Space Activity Ideas here.

For more reading on Stephen Hawking check out our book shelf.

Who Was Stephen Hawking?The Living Einstein: The Stephen Hawking Story - Biography Kids Books | Children's Biography BooksStephen Hawking (Against the Odds Biographies)All About Stephen HawkingGeorge's Secret Key Complete Hardcover Collection: George's Secret Key to the Universe; George's Cosmic Treasure Hunt; George and the Big Bang; George ... the Blue Moon; George and the Ship of TimeGeorge and the Unbreakable Code (George's Secret Key)George's Secret Key to the UniverseGeorge's Cosmic Treasure Hunt (George's Secret Key)George and the Blue Moon (George's Secret Key)George and the Big Bang (George's Secret Key)George and the Ship of Time (George's Secret Key)A Brief History of TimeBrief Answers to the Big QuestionsThe Universe in a NutshellThe Illustrated Brief History of Time, Updated and Expanded EditionBlack Holes and Baby Universes and Other EssaysTHE ILLUSTRATED THEORY OF EVERYTHING:  The Origin and Fate of the UniverseThe Grand Design


Isaac Newton

In the workbook we explored Balloon Races inspired by Newton. For more Newton inspired learning check out this Newton’s Laws of Motion project.

Next, you can explore Newtons laws of Fluid Dynamics, by playing with the always fascinating, non-Newtonian Fluid, Oobleck. We have tons of Oobleck recipes on the site. You can make Glow in the Dark Oobleck, Colour Changing Oobleck, Heat Transfer Oobleck, Frozen Oobleck and more.

A famous reference to Newton is of gravity and the falling apple. Why not do a variation of that with our Oobleck Egg Drop experiment or the classic egg drop experiment.

Who Was Isaac Newton?The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern WorldWorld History Biographies: Isaac Newton: The Scientist Who Changed Everything (National Geographic World History Biographies)Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities (For Kids series)Newton's Rainbow: The Revolutionary Discoveries of a Young ScientistNever at Rest: A Biography of Isaac Newton


Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci loved to create and invent, so for our activity in the Famous STEAMists workbook we did the Make it Move Challenge. Here are a few more ideas for you to add to your da Vinci inspired lessons.

This activity is always a hit with kids, Engineer a Launcher. In this project kids build a mini launcher that will send q-tips flying high!

Leonardo created many really creative concepts for vehicles. If you are looking for a fun in a box project, try building a Balloon Powered Car or a Water Powered Car.

For even more ideas, check out our Mechanical Engineering Project Ideas.

Here is our Leonardo da Vinci inspired bookshelf.

Leonardo da Vinci for Kids: His Life and Ideas, 21 Activities (For Kids series)Who Was Leonardo da Vinci?World History Biographies: Leonardo da Vinci: The Genius Who Defined the Renaissance (National Geographic World History Biographies)Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo da VinciLeonardo: Beautiful DreamerAmazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions: You Can Build Yourself (Build It Yourself)Leonardo and the Flying Boy (Anholt's Artists Books For Children)A Weekend with Leonardo Da VinciLeonardo da Vinci Gets a Do-Over (Innovators in Action)


Marie Curie

Marie Curie was a physicist and a chemist. Although she is known for may discoveries the one we focused on in our activity in the workbook was her discovery of Radium. She would talk about the gorgeous glow from the jars as they conducted their experiments. So we made our own glowing jars with a Glow in the Dark Lava Lamp experiment. Here are a few more ideas for your study of Marie Curie.

If you enjoy glow in the dark experiments here are a few more ideas: Glow Moon Dough, Glow Homemade Bioplastics, Glow Salt Circuits, Glow Bath Bombs, Glow Oobleck and Glow Slime.

Marie Curie’s work contributed greatly to our Periodic Table of Elements. Why not learn more about the table with our Periodic Table of Elements BINGO Game.

Want to learn more about this fascinating scientist? Check out our Marie Curie bookshelf.

Marie Curie (Little People, BIG DREAMS)Marie Curie for Kids: Her Life and Scientific Discoveries, with 21 Activities and Experiments (For Kids series)Obsessive Genius: The Inner World of Marie Curie (Great Discoveries)Who Was Marie Curie?DK Biography: Marie Curie: A Photographic Story of a LifeRadioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and FalloutI am Marie Curie (Ordinary People Change the World)Marie Curie: A LifeMarie Curie's Search for Radium (Science Stories)World History Biographies: Marie Curie: The Woman Who Changed the Course of Science (National Geographic World History Biographies)Marie Curie (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Inventors & Scientists)Marie Curie (Giants of Science)Marie Curie: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Scientist Who Became the First Woman to Win a Nobel PrizeMarie Curie: Young Scientist (Childhood of World Figures)


Ada Byron Lovelace

Byron was a talented mathematician who is credited as being the first computer programmer. In the workbook we celebrated her work by doing a Binary Code Activity. You could also play a Binary Code Game or do one of these fun Binary Code Projects.

Here are a few more ideas for an Ada Byron Lovelace study.

If you want to explore more coding activities, we gathered up lots of ideas in our Hour of Code resource.

Another great way to celebrate Ada Byron Lovelace is to explore some fun math concepts. Why not try a fun Math Game or explore Polyomino Puzzles with Lego.

Check out our Ada Byron Lovelace bookshelf. Like Stephen Hawking and Einstein, there is a fictional series inspired by her work called Wollstonecraft Detective Agency. We love fictional books with non-fiction elements.

Ada Byron Lovelace & the Thinking MachineDreaming in Code: Ada Byron Lovelace, Computer PioneerAda Lovelace Cracks the Code (Rebel Girls Chapter Books)Ada Lovelace and the Number-Crunching MachineAda's Ideas: The Story of Ada Lovelace, the World's First Computer ProgrammerAda Lovelace (Little People, BIG DREAMS)Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by WomenAda Twist, ScientistAda Twist's Big Project Book for Stellar ScientistsAda Twist and the Perilous Pants: The Questioneers Book #2The Case of the Missing Moonstone (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 1)The Case of the Girl in Grey (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 2)The Case of the Counterfeit Criminals (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 3)The Case of the Perilous Palace (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency, Book 4)


Vincent van Gogh

I’ve always been fascinated by Vincent van Gogh, so when we had the idea for the Skittles Starry Night Experiment that we used in the book, I was so excited! I don’t have many other activities that are inspired by his art and works, but we do have some more ways you can learn and explore Vincent.

If you want to watch a spectacular movie, the hand painted animation, Loving Vincent is mind-blowing. It is free on Hoopla right now, along with the documentary on its creation. All you need is a library card and a couple of hours, and trust me, you will be mesmerized.

For my Doctor Who fans, one of my favourite episodes is Vincent and the Doctor. Definitely watch it if you haven’t seen it. It is one of the most brilliant episodes.

Checkout our Vincent Van Gogh bookshelf of goodies. I highly recommend using this as only a starting point. His life and works are just fascinating.

Vincent's Starry Night and Other Stories: A Children's History of ArtVincent Can't Sleep: Van Gogh Paints the Night SkyLoving VincentVan Gogh: The LifeVan Gogh: Complete WorksThe Letters of Vincent van Gogh (Penguin Classics)Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh BrothersVincent van Gogh (Revised Edition) (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists)Van Gogh and the Post-Impressionists for Kids: Their Lives and Ideas, 21 Activities (For Kids series)


Albert Einstein

In the workbook we built a compass to celebrate Einstein and his love of magnetic forces. Here are some more ideas and activities for you to explore Einstein.

A really fun and slightly gross way to explore magnetic forces is with Magnetic Slime. In our activity we were inspired by Harry Potter and made Troll Bogeys Slime. Disgusting, fun, magnetic science!

Einstein did a great deal of research into Heat Transfer and how heat moves through objects. One of our favourite heat transfer activities was working with a Starlite material we made at home.

Take a peek at our Albert Einstein bookshelf for more reading inspiration. Just like we have the fiction George series exploring Hawking’s science, and Ada Byron’s Wollstonecraft Detective Agency series, we now have the Max series exploring Einstein’s science in a fictional story. This is such a fun way to learn!

National Geographic Readers: Albert Einstein (Readers Bios)Who Was Albert Einstein?The World As I See ItMy First Book of Quantum PhysicsAlbert Einstein and Relativity for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities and Thought Experiments (For Kids series)Max Einstein: The Genius ExperimentMax Einstein: Rebels with a Cause


I hope you enjoyed our elementary level study of famous Scientists and STEAMists. If you would like to see more famous figures covered, reach out and let us know.

If you want a free printable that provides a glimpse into some incredible Women in STEM, check out this resource.

Cartoon images of famous scientists Einstein, da Vinci, Curie, Byron, Hawking, Newton. Vincent van Gogh. A collage with a light bulb over a book that is erupting with science inspired icons. Overlay text says Famous STEAMists Unit Study