Halloween Tetris Printable Game

This Halloween let’s work on cooperation and visual spatial skills with this fun Halloween Tetris Printable Game. Game play is an exceptional way to build skills with kids in a fun, low stress way. And what better time for some games than Halloween?

Printable Halloween Game

Halloween Tetris Game for the Classroom

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Did you know that playing Tetris is good for your brain? It is such a seemingly simple game, but playing it has some amazing benefits. So of course we had to create a printable Halloween version you can use with your kids for some screen free Tetris fun!

Benefits of Playing Tetris

There are a number of incredible benefits to playing Tetris.

It helps children learn gameplay and social skills.

Tetris also helps with brain development by fostering the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills. Our paper version is a great way for students to start learning the game as they have more time to think and problem solve, but once they become efficient they can move to digital versions that challenge kids to think fast to come up with the right solution.

Playing Tetris can be very calming for students. Yes it is a challenge, but it tends to be a very calming one for most kids. Especially with all the brightly coloured pieces. The process of imagining and figuring out the solutions for each piece is a fantastic quiet time activity.

Playing Tetris helps kids develop strong spatial skills, such as mental rotation, spatial perception, and spatial visualization.

Children with trauma history, PTSD and Developmental Trauma disorder may benefit from playing Tetris. There is some really interesting research going on into the benefits of Tetris when healing trauma: Can Tetris Prevent PTSD? Can Playing Tetris Reduce Trauma Flashbacks?

Spooky Halloween Tetris Printable

To get kids started playing Tetris we have a fun Spooky Halloween version you can print out and use in your classroom or at home. The benefits of the printed version is that it gives kids more time to work on the spatial skills and come up with the best solution. Plus it is screen free and a great quiet time activity.

Members of the STEAM Powered Family mailing list get this Spooky Halloween Tetris Printable Game for free. If you are already signed up, simply enter your email to unlock the printable. If you haven’t already signed up, use this form to join now. Not only will you get this printable, but you will gain access to lots of educational ideas, resources, activities, printables and more.

Access the Halloween Tetris Printable Here:

More Printable Halloween Fun

We LOVE Halloween around here and have lots of amazing activities and resources. Every year we challenge ourselves to a 31 Days of Halloween STEM Activities month of spooky fun!

It is an absolute blast and we love sharing the Halloween love with kids everywhere.

We have a massive printable to go along with our 31 Days of Halloween STEM Activities available in our shop.

31 Days of Halloween Activities

Another fun printable activity is our Halloween STEAM math and art challenges. The results look amazing decorating a classroom!

Halloween Art and Math Project for the Classroom

Need some math practice this Halloween? Our Halloween Math Sudoku inspired puzzles are a HUGE hit every year.

Halloween Math Logic Puzzles - Fun Halloween STEM Activities & Games

Or maybe you want to get some fun Halloween Coding practice? We also have an amazing printable for that!

Halloween Coding Printable Activities

Who doesn’t love a good jump scare? With our pop up, spinning STEM craft cards, kids make special Halloween cards that are sure to cause a jump!

Halloween STEM Craft Spinning Card DIY Project

There is these plus so much more in our 31 Days of Halloween Activities Resource.

Have an amazing Halloween!

Halloween Tetris Printable Game for Kids

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