Easy Gluten Free Kool Aid Playdough Recipe
I love creating our own sensory play items. Not only does it save me money, but I can get the kids involved and they love that feeling of accomplishment that comes from saying, “I made this” as they play and explore. That’s one of the reasons we love making our DIY playdough. Recently I was asked about making a gluten free playdough recipe. We had never done this before but we were up for the challenge. And I have to say our Rainbow Gluten Free Kool Aid Playdough Recipe turned out perfect! The colours are so vibrant, it feels incredible, and it was so easy to make.
Rainbow Playdough – Gluten Free NO COOK recipe
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We’ve tried our hands at a few different playdough recipes. In general I have found them to be incredibly reliable and easy. Some though are better for little kids to help with as they don’t involve cooking on a stove top. This is one of those great no cook playdough recipes. This recipe does however require hot water, so responsible adult supervision is still required at all times. Only involve children in activities they are old enough to safely participate in. If they are too young to safely be around hot water, make the playdough for them and just let them play until they are older.
One of my favourite parts about this playdough was the incredibly vibrant, gorgeous colours. Oh and the smell. The Kool Aid makes this playdough smell amazing!
So it’s a good thing this recipe is taste safe. Because some kids will likely be unable to resist taking a little taste. Just make sure you don’t let them eat it. I am sure this would not be good for anyone’s insides!
Gluten Free Playdough Recipe
So the big difference you will see in this recipe is that we are using gluten free flour. In order to get the right playdough consistency, we had to adjust the amount of our other ingredients. If you are familiar with gluten free flour you know it behaves differently from regular flour.
If you want to make this recipe with regular flour, use one of our other playdough recipes such as Winter Playdough, to get all the correct measurements.
Gluten Free Kool Aid Playdough Ingredients & Supplies
Gather the following ingredients to start making your playdough. We will be making the playdough one colour at a time.
Gluten Free flour
Hot water
Olive oil
Cream of tartar
Kool Aid packets in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple
2 large mixing bowls
Mixing spoon
Sealable bags for storage (one for each colour)
Recipe To Make one Playdough Colour
1 cup Gluten Free flour
1/4 cup salt
1/2 cup hot water
1 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoons cream of tartar
Kool Aid packet in colour of your choice
Making No Cook Gluten Free Kool Aid Playdough
In a large bowl, add all of the dry ingredients: flour, salt and cream of tartar. Mix until well combined.
In the second bowl, add vegetable oil and water. Now add the Kool Aid packet. Whisk well.
Science Moment! Stop, what do you notice when trying to mix the liquids and Kool Aid? It’s the same issue we ran into with Moon Dough. Oil and water don’t mix. But it’s all good. Since this recipe also uses water, the recipe is actually super easy and doesn’t require anything additional to get amazing colours. Just whisk it together as best as you can.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry. Mix everything together until completely blended. If the mixture is too dry, add a bit more water. If the mixture is too wet, add a bit more flour. Just add bits until you get a nice consistency.
Take the play dough out of the bowl and knead until smooth.
Repeat for each color until you have created your rainbow of playdough!
Store the playdough in an airtight container or plastic bag. It is best to store the colours individually.
Happy playing with playdough!