Kids Weather Station Activity
The weather is something that affects us every day. Learning how to pay attention to the weather is important for kids to learn. It informs us how to dress for the day, if we need to take any precautions, and can help us plan for a successful day if we know what Mother Nature is sending our way. Help kids become more aware of the weather and in tune with nature with this fun craft activity building a Kids Weather Station so they can learn about Weather Science.
How To Build A Weather Station For Kids
Table of Contents
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I love building these fun spinning plate projects. When we built our Wheel of the Year to help my son understand the changing seasons it became one of his most cherished creations.
With this activity we are helping kids learn more about the weather and to pay attention to weather patterns. This can spin off into some fun science experiments, and also teaches important life skills. Learning how to dress for the weather is so important! As is preparing for the weather as you plan your day, especially if you live in a place with more extreme weather patterns.
This activity can be done by preschool through early elementary, and requires only simply supplies.
Weather Wheel Activity Supplies
Paper plate
Colored craft papers
Push pins (or Thumb Tacks)
Craft foam or similar
Craft glue
Printable cutouts (or create your own!)
Preschool Weather Project Directions
Here are the colours of craft paper that we used. You can adjust this to suit your tastes or whatever colours you have on hand.
Clouds – dark grey, light grey, light blue or white
Sun – yellow and orange
Rainbow – purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red
Rain – blue
Snow – white
Wind – white
Lightning – yellow
Indicator arrow – red
Make the Clouds
Select different colored craft papers for the weather signs. For the clouds use dark grey, light grey and white. You can also use light blue if you wish. You will want the variety so you can indicate the darkness of the clouds in your weather station. Trace the cloud patterns on the selected papers, or use a printer to print the shapes on the craft paper. Cut them out.
Use a black marker to draw a border and simple swirl patterns on the paper clouds. It has a special touch and makes the clouds look nicer with the extra details. Encourage your kids to get creative with drawing on all the pieces and make their creation unique!
Make the Sun and Rainbow
Now select yellow and orange craft papers for the sun and rainbow colors (purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red) for the rainbow. You will also need yellow for the lightning, and blue for the raindrops. Once again, trace the patterns on the selected papers and cut them out.
Take the yellow and orange sun pieces and glue them together. Add some designs to make it interesting with a marker. Now layer the rainbow pieces together and glue them together.
Assemble the Pieces
Grab a white cloud pattern and stick the small sun pattern on the backside of it, with half of the sun visible from the front; this sign represents partially cloudy weather.
Stick the raindrops on the bottom side of a light grey cloud to make the rainy weather sign.
Glue the lightning sign on a dark cloud pattern to create the symbol for a storm.
Glue the snowflake onto a light grey cloud for snowfall. Draw a few lines on the snowflake to make it pop!
Draw lines on the wind sign to make it look like swirling wind.
Finally, stick the 2 small cloud patterns on both ends of the rainbow pattern.
Trace out the indicator arrow on the coloured paper of your choice. Cut it out.
Take the paper plate and mark the center of the plate. Place the indicator’s end over the center part of the plate and use a thumb pin to attach the indicator with the plate. Insert a craft foam on the backside of the pin to make sure that it is safe. If you don’t have some foam, you can use a bit of cork or something similar to cover the end.
Now attach the weather paper signs around the outer side of the paper plate to complete the craft.
Using your Weather Station with Kids
Every day take a few minutes to discuss the weather. Have your child turn the indicator to the weather pattern we are expecting for the day or how it looks at that time.
Discuss how you need to prepare for that weather. Do you need to dress a certain way? Pack an umbrella? Change any plans?
At the end of the day you can discuss how the weather changed throughout the day. I know where we live the weather can change drastically in 5 minutes. So it is interesting to look back and see if things changed. Kids may also like visiting their Weather Station and changing it throughout the day as the weather changes.
Extension Activities
Once you start talking about the weather, it can be fun to do some Weather Science Experiments. Here are a few ideas you can do.
Make Your Own Rain Clouds Experiment
Build a Weathervane
Make a Rain Gauge
Exploring Sky Colours and Why The Sky Changes Colour
Explore How We Have Seasons
Enjoy learning all about the weather!