10 Genius Layers of the Earth Projects For Kids

Learning the layers of the Earth is fascinating for kids. It opens their minds as they realize all the things that are under their feet. Suddenly the world becomes a much bigger place.

Innovative Layers of the Earth Activities

Learn about the layers of the Earth with these innovative project ideas

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We love doing Earth Sciences. I think learning about our planet is extremely important for our children. They need to understand how our Earth works, plus how our behaviours are impacting it. From studies of bioplastics to learning about the seasons, to studying the layers of the Earth, kids need to learn these important lessons to ensure we have a healthy planet for future generations.

Not sure about the layers of the Earth? Here is an image!

Image of the Earth showing a cut out to reveal inner layers with labels

Earth Sciences are a very important area of study for all students. We only have planet and it is so important that we start teaching students about the inner workings of the Earth and how we can protect it. As part of our studies we decided to look for some more interesting ways to study the Earth’s layers in a hands on way. Here are 10 of the best projects we found!


Gorgeous Layers of the Earth Soap Project For Kids

This project is what kick started our love of learning all about the inner workings of our planet! These soaps are not only stunning, they are easy to make and environmentally friendly!

Layers of the Earth DIY Soap Project so kids can learn about our Earth in a sustainable way

Paper Mache Earth Model Bowls

These bowls make a great science fair project and kids love creating with paper mache!

Needle Felted Earth with Layers

Needle felting has gained a lot of popularity recently. Have your students create a model of the Earth and learn these hands on skills.

Earth Science with Clay

These activity is really pretty and also a great sensory activity building a model of Earth out of modeling clay.

Play Dough Earth Project

Make your own play dough then have the kids roll and shape and form a model of the Earth including all the layers.

Engineer a Slice of Earth Out of Paper

Bring a little STEM with this project where you build a slice of Earth out of paper then calculate the thicknesses of each layer.

Build Earth with Lego

Got a kid that loves to build with Lego? Challenge them to build the Earth out of Lego!


Earth Layers Pudding Cups

These layers of the Earth pudding cups are a great way to eat your lesson!

Earth Sugar Cookies

Why stop at pudding? Really have a blast eating your way through your lessons with these sugar cookies!

Edible Earth’s Core Project

This edible model of Earth is one giant rice crispy square! It is fun to make and delicious!

Layers of the Earth Printable

Enjoy this layers of the Earth printable creating a special lapbook. Members of the STEAM Powered Family mailing list can unlock this printable by simply entering their email address in this form.


Here are a few different resources and kits for learning about planet Earth.


Learn about the layers of the Earth with these innovative and creative projects

More Earth Sciences for Kids

Earth Day Activities For Kids in Elementary and Middle School
Greenhouse Effect Science Experiment
Seed Bombs and Launcher DIY STEM Activity for Kids