Harry Potter Bath Bomb – Golden Egg from Triwizard Tournament
We love Harry Potter! I became obsessed when I read the first book in 1999. Since then I consider it one of my greatest parenting achievements that my children love Harry Potter too! We’ve read the books, watched the movies, done science experiments inspired by Hogwarts, and made three different Harry Potter bath bombs. A house reveal cauldron bath bomb, a golden snitch bath bomb and now a golden egg bath bomb inspired by the Golden Egg in the Triwizard Tournament.
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We really enjoyed our first two Harry Potter bath bombs. The Golden Snitch bath bombs turned out amazing and the cauldron bath bombs with house reveal were so much fun for the kids to make. When we were ready to make a new Harry Potter bath bomb we had to give it some thought, but then it came to us as we watch Harry racing a dragon on his broom to capture the golden egg. Then seeing him taking a bath with Moaning Myrtle as he locked the secrets of the Golden Egg.
Suddenly we knew EXACTLY what our new Harry Potter bath bomb recipe should be, a Golden Egg. Perfect!
Harry Potter Golden Egg Bath Bomb Recipe
2 cups baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup SLSA
3-4 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon polysorbate 80
Patchouli and Clove Essential Oil (or use the ones you prefer)
Gold mica powder
Gold biodegradeable glitter
Spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol
1 large mixing bowl
1 small microwave safe mixing bowl
Large Egg bath bomb molds
Disposable gloves (optional)
DIY HP Golden Egg Bath Bomb Directions
In a large mixing bowl, add the baking soda, citric acid, cornstarch, and the SLSA. Mix well.
In the small bowl add the coconut oil and microwave briefly until it becomes a liquid. Add 5 to 10 drops each of patchouli and clove essential oils. Add the polysorbate 80. I’ll talk about the importance of this ingredient in the science section. Mix then add to the large bowl with the dry ingredients.
Using your hands (with gloves on if you prefer), mix all the ingredients together. Break down any lumps and make sure everything is nicely mixed in.
Add the gold mica and glitter and continue mixing until well blended.
Once the ingredients are mixed, they should form a ball in your hand and feel like wet sand. Once you have this texture, fill each egg mold to the top. Make sure to press down firmly.
Leave molds to harden for 48 hours. The time to set will vary based on your climate. Warm, dry environments are best for setting and hardening. If it is very humid you may experience issues with it expanding or even erupting in the molds.
When you are ready to remove the eggs from the mold, put a plate on the bottom and gently flip it over. Tap on the eggs and twist the mold gently until they pop out.
Spray each egg with rubbing alcohol and sprinkled extra glitter on them. Or, alternatively, you can melt a little coconut oil and brush it over the surface of the golden egg bath bomb and then sprinkle with extra glitter.
Once removed from the molds I like to let them sit out for another day before I put them away. This helps them really harden up.
Store in an airtight container until ready to use.
Now our Golden Egg bath bombs will not have mermaid songs inside, but I am sure they will still be a big hit with your Harry Potter fan!
The Science Of Harry Potter Bath Bombs
The cool thing about making your own Harry Potter Bath Bombs is that it turns into your very own little potions lesson. The fun fizzing and erupting of a bath bomb is caused by an acid-base reaction between baking soda (base) and citric acid (acid). Cornstarch is a filler that helps prevent premature reactions between the acids and bases. Now we know from other experiments that mixing acids and bases results in big reactions, but when we are making our bath bombs nothing happens because the ingredients are dry. In order for the chemical reaction to start we need to add one more thing, water.
SLSA (Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate) is a surfactant that helps turn your fizzy bath bomb into a luxurious bubble bath. It also helps the fragrance last longer in your bath. Although not necessary, having SLSA in your bath bombs really improves the bath experience.
Polysorbate 80 is a must have ingredient. I learned this the hard way. Without polysorbate 80 your bath bomb is going to turn your bath tub into a scene of messy devastation. Polysorbate 80 is an emulsifier. Ask anyone and they will tell you oil and water do not mix. So we need to add something to get the fragrance oils and coconut oils and colourings to mix with our water. Polysorbate is that magical ingredient. It helps all those ingredients mix with the water instead of floating on the top in a scum like layer and sticking to the tub and the unlucky person bathing.
So although you can skip SLSA I recommend never, ever skipping the polysorbate 80 when making bath bombs.
In a effort to reduce plastic waste, I always recommend using biodegradeable glitter in your projects. Maybe one day we should make our own biodegradeable plastic glitter!