Chocolate Frog Harry Potter Jelly Soap Recipe
They wriggle. And they squiggle. They are magical little bits of fun. They are Chocolate Frogs! What Harry Potter fan doesn’t love the idea of chocolate frogs? Candy that tries to jump and escape from your grasp. Just like Harry’s did on his very first train ride to Hogwarts. We wanted to capture that fun with a project. Then the idea hit us… Chocolate Frog Jelly Soap! Perfect!

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We’ve made Soap Jellies before. They are a lot of fun and the kids love them. They provide an extra silly and fun sensory experience to hand washing.
Tip! Soap Jellies are a fantastic addition to a water play table or water centre!
If you haven’t seen the Harry Potter movies or read the books (seriously what are you waiting for???), chocolate frogs are a magical chocolate candy that jumps. According to Ron Weasley in the Philosopher’s Stone, “They’ve only got one good jump in them to begin with.”
So no worries about them jumping around in your stomach! It’s just a bit of magic to make the candy treats more fun for little witches and wizards.
We thought these Jelly Soap Chocolate Frogs would be fun and they were even better than we imaged! The wiggly, jiggly, soapy fun resulted in so many giggles!
The only downfall with Soap Jellies is that I find they don’t last very long before breaking down, especially at room temperature, but boy do we have fun while they last! Plus they are quite easy to make, so we can make more whenever we need them.
Don’t miss our Chocolate Frog Bath Bombs!
Table of Contents
Chocolate Frogs Soap Jellies Recipe
1 package unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup cool water
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup gel body wash
Butterbeer scented oil (approximately 1 tsp)
Brown soap colorant (adjust to desired colour)
Spray bottle with rubbing alcohol
Chocolate frogs plastic mold
How To Make Harry Potter Jelly Soap
Add unfavored gelatin to a medium size bowl along with the cold water and let it soak for two minutes. Then whisk it until all the bits are dissolved.
Now add the salt and body wash. Stir to blend.
Finally, add butterbeer scented oil and soap colorant. Whisk all of the ingredients together.
Place the frog mold on a tray or plate so it is easy to move the mold once full. Spray the frog mold with rubbing alcohol to prevent bubbles forming in your soap.
Carefully pour the mixture into the mold. Spray the bottom again with rubbing alcohol.
Place the mold into the fridge for at least 2 hours. I usually leave mine overnight. Carefully remove the soaps from the mold and store in an airtight container or Ziploc bag in the fridge until ready to use.
It is really important you keep these soaps cold. They tend to “melt” at room temperature. But they are super easy to make and lots of fun!