Secret Agent Investigation For Kids

Kids love solving a good mystery! So today we have something really fun that will put those critical thinking skills to the test! Students are taken through a fun training experience to become a secret agent, detective or police officer. Don’t forget to sign up to access the free Secret Agent Critical Thinking Challenge printable.

Detective Training Challenge Printable

Crime Scene Investigation

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Today’s lesson includes some really fun challenges for kindergarten through early elementary as they train to become secret agents. This detective activity is a printable, with some extra hands on activities you can do to supplement desk work. Some of the activities can be done in groups in a classroom, or they can all be done individually. Depending on the ages and abilities, some students may require assistance with some of the activities.

This detective training activity builds critical thinking skills, promotes attention to detail, explores comparisons (same/different), practices reading comprehension and counting, and teaches a bit about the body through exploring finger prints.

It is also a lot of fun! Kids love a good mystery and solving puzzles. So let’s get started!

The Printable Worksheets

First, the printable is available free to all members of the STEAM Powered Family mailing list. Members of the list get free resources, printables, ideas, and more sent to their mailbox every week. If you are already a member, simply enter your email to unlock your printable.

Here is what is included in the training activities.

Secret Agent Name

First we kick things off with the kids determining their very important Detective or Secret Agent Name before we start their training. All detectives need a secret identity with a name.

Analyzing Shoe Prints

Next we need to put those detective skills to use! Students are supplied with a picture of a sneaker and the sole of the shoe. Next they need to examine shoe prints from the crime scene to find all the matches. For younger kids you may need to look at the details of the shoe sole together to help them recognize the prints that would be made from the shoe.

In addition to doing the printable, if you are able, have the kids create their own shoe prints to see how they differ. You can use sidewalk chalk or a washable paint on the soles of the shoes to create the prints on pieces of paper. Or head on out to a muddy area and create prints using mud. My kids love to walk through the mud then step onto sidewalks to see the prints they leave behind.

If you are working with a class, challenge the kids to identify shoe prints in real life and see if they can find the right shoe.

Identifying Suspects

Based on witness statements, students need to now examine a field of possible subjects. They will need to eliminate those that do not match witness descriptions to see if they can narrow down the subject field.

A second page has been provided for you to create your own witness statements and descriptors for some extra practice.

Analyzing Finger Prints

Students LOVE this activity. Using a pencil, kids will copy their finger prints, then explore how their finger prints may be similar and different from everyone else’s.

Code Breaker

Everyone loves a good puzzle. In this final activity students use a cipher to decode a secret message and find the location of an important piece of evidence.

A second blank code breaker page is provided so kids can experiment with creating their own secret messages.

Have fun on your Secret Agent Training Challenge!

Crime Scene Activity for Kids

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