Cricut Project – Party Favors Gift Box
Have you heard of Cricut? It’s one of the newest, coolest things to come to crafting in a long time. It fuses the power of technology with crafting that makes this STEAM loving momma and educator really excited about all of the possibilities. Check out this Cricuit Project building a Party Favour Gift Box. It’s a little bit of art, little bit of tech, little bit of math and a little big of engineering, all rolled up into one amazing educational project!
Cricut Project Ideas for the Holidays
Table of Contents
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When I first heard about the Cricut, I wasn’t too sure about it. It seemed like a really overpriced set of scissors for scrapbookers who had way too much money on their hands.
Boy was I wrong!!!
The Cricut is a consumer die-cutting machine. Think of it like a printer but instead of printing your design out, it cuts it out of various materials. The type of materials it can cut all depend on the specific Cricut machine you have. Some of the advanced ones can even do leather and wood.
Now we don’t have the big fancy one, but even with a more basic model you can create some incredible things. In fact, the more I use the Cricut, the more I think this is an invaluable tool for every maker, tinkerspace, creator and classroom.
Cricut Skills In The Classroom
The thing I love about the Cricut is that it helps build some incredible creative and critical thinking skills in students. Fantastic for middle and high school classes.
When doing these cricut projects, even the more simple ones, students learn technology and design skills. The technology interface, called Design Space, is challenging but not so much so that most students couldn’t master it with some time and practice. Working in the Design Space students put their math skills to use as they measure and work out all the intricate details of their designs.
Translating their ideas into the technology is a fantastic skill that requires students to envision the end product, transfer it to the 2D medium of the design interface, then take the cut out and engineer it back into the 3D vision they started with.
It’s like they created Cricut just for STEAM lovers!
Cricut Project – Gift Boxes
It always helps to start with a fun project when learning a new technology, so today we are sharing a really cool gift box project. This box is the perfect size for a party favour or small gift box. To give you an idea of scale, it will hold 22 Hersey’s Kisses. Perfect for our New Years Eve Midnight Kisses version we photographed here.
Gift Box Supply List
Cricut machine or any cutting machine
Sheets of 12×12 card stock (one sheet per gift box)
Blue light grip mat
Scotch quick drying tacky glue (the BEST with a precision tip)
Cricut Scoring Stylus or scoring wheel
Ribbon or twine
Cricut glitter gels pens (We used the basic pack with gold and silver)
Design space (Do the welcome tutorials to get a feel for how it all works)
The SVG Design Files – Available Free to STEAM Powered Family Members
Assembly Instructional Guide – Available Free to STEAM Powered Family Members
Access the Files Here
Note, the files are in a ZIP folder.
Working In Cricut Design Space
Load design space on your computer. Launch the program and upload the SVG file.
Adjust the sizing of your file to a width of 11.406”. Once you do this the height will auto populate to approximately 7.198”. This maintains the appropriate ratio.
NOTE: For this next part be sure to reference the instructional guide to be sure to change all lines needed for scoring. These will eventually be your fold lines.
Highlight all the fold lines. Up on the tool bar click the down drop menu titled “line type” and change the fold lines to “score”.
Make sure you highlight all the layers once you have ‘scored’ and click “attach to” before cutting. This is VITALLY important. If you don’t, design space will cut all of the lines separately, rather than all together.
Check out the design space screen shot to see what we mean.
Load your paper on the light blue grip mat and load your scoring stylus into the
machine’s clamp A.
Adjust your material dial to card stock. If using a heavier weighted card stock be sure to adjust pressure.
Repeat to make as many boxes as you need.
Creating a Gift Box Tag with Cricut and Design Space
If adding a tag, repeat the same steps above. Once your blank tag SVG is uploaded adjust the size of the tag to approximately 1.9” wide and 1.203” tall.
Add any writing font that you would like for your tag and move it to the middle. Be sure that it is a skinny writing font (On our tags in the pictures we used Mr Sheffield for the word “midnight” and helvetica regular for the word “kisses”).
Highlight the font layer and on the top tool bar change the down drop menu titled
“line type” from cut to “draw”.
Ensure you highlight all layers and select ATTACH TO. This is a very important final step. If you don’t do this, design space will cut all lines separately rather than all together.
Duplicate for as many tags as needed.
Load your paper on the light blue grip mat and load your pen into the machine’s clamp A.
Adjust your material dial to card stock. If using a heavier weight card stock be
sure to adjust pressure.
Assembling the Cricut Gift Box Project
Follow the instructional guide on how to fold the lines. It is important to follow each number as labeled first. A large version of this is included in the ZIP file.
Once your project has been cut begin to fold all your lines (see the provided instructional guide). The sides of the box (step #8 on the guide) when folding will have 2 mountain folds and 1 valley fold in the center creating a fortune cookie effect.
Check out the video for step by step pictures of the folding process. It’s in your sidebar playing right now.
Once folded, start by gluing step #1 to the opposite side to form a box shape. Be sure that the score marks line up together to avoid the box from being crooked.
Next, fold the bottom flap #2 inwards and add glue to the top. Then fold the bottom flap #3 on top. You are creating the bottom of the box.
Now add glue on top of the bottom flap #3 and fold in bottom flap #4. Add glue on
top of bottom flap #4 and #3 while folding down bottom flap #5. At this point, the
bottom of the box is finished and ready to hold your goodies.
Let the glue dry. Once it is dry you can fill your box with goodies!
Once your box is filled, to close the top, place both pointer fingers and thumbs on flap #8 and help the box to collapse inwards.
Grab flap #6 and hold them together in one hand as you grab one of the #7 flaps and bring the slit down and over top of both #6 flaps. This will hold them together and in place.
If you want to add a custom tag, do one more step before closing it completely. Add a ribbon to your tag and hang it from the last #7 flap. Then bring the last #7 flap down and on top of the previous flap #7 and both #6 flaps. This closes your box keeping
all your goodies safe and secure inside.